Kinds of Acne: How to Clear and Prevent it without Damaging your Skin

Most people have suffered from acne once in their lifetime. Acne and pimples can range from mild to cystic acne which can be painful for some.
Acne affects more than 50 million Americans every year. Acne can have multiple effects on an individual’s emotional well-being and can severely affect a person’s confidence.
Everyone wants to have clear and healthy skin. To avoid or treat acne, there are multiple treatments and remedies. But not every remedy is effective on all types of acne.
Forehead acne is the most common type of acne because the sebaceous glands that are present in cheeks are forehead are the most active. The excess oil production can lead to clogging of pores when dead cells and bacteria or dirt mix together.
Acne Vulgaris is a broader term that covers several acne and pimples. Each acne problem is different and occurs due to underlying reasons. Acne is most common in teenagers but some people may suffer from pimples in adulthood.
The reason for acne has to do with genetics, skincare, hygiene and lifestyle of the affected person. Stress and hormonal imbalances also cause acne.
There are certain over-the-counter medicines and skin products you can use to treat acne. Some natural ingredients such as Aloe vera, tea tree oil, green tea extract, etc. can also be used to treat pimples.
Types of Acne
Acne Vulgaris is the term usually used when referring to acne of all kinds. No matter what kind of acne, it is the cause for acne is always the sebaceous glands or dead skin cells that clog the pores.
Our skin has small pores, when dirt, sebum from glands, dead skin cells and other bacteria, etc. get trapped inside the pores, the skin around the area swells and breakouts. These breakouts are categorized into six common types of acne that are common among individuals.
The common types of acne are:
The first two types of acne are whiteheads and blackheads but they are both non-inflammatory. The other four types are inflammatory and include papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts.
Whiteheads are the clogged pores with any dead cells, bacteria or excess oil trapped inside them. The head of the pore is closed and this is what creates a small white bump on your skin.
Blackhead is a comedone that looks black because of the gink enclosed in a pore. Unlike a whitehead, a blackhead is an open pore and it is quite similar to a whitehead. The treatment for both of these acnes is similar.
Papules are formed when the bacteria on the face are mixed with sebum or dead skin cells to clog a pore. This clogged pore spreads out the bacteria on the skin, and bacteria try to invade other skin cells. The result is inflammation because of the bacteria from a lesion on the skin. The papules do not contain pus, they are inflamed skin cells.
Pustules are similar to papules but they can also be genetic. Pustules are inflamed bumps on the skin, with a white center filled with pus cells. They are formed when bacteria invade the clogged pore. Pustules can form around the body and face which contain pus.
Nodules from deep inside the skin and are caused by bacteria. Nodules can be painful and cause inflammation in the infected area. The trapped bacteria inside the layers of skin make a red bump appear on the skin.
Cysts are the most difficult to treat of all acnes. These are soft inflamed regions of skin that contain pus. The bacteria may ooze out of pores and cause acne on other areas of the face. Cystic acne creates large inflamed bumps around the face and tends to spread all over the face.
Acne Prevention
There are numerous ways to prevent acne, several over-the-counter medicines can solve this problem. The medical creams and treatments can give fast results but the skin will likely be damaged in the process.
To clear skin, a lot of people go for dermabrasion, chemical peels and microcurrent facials, the skin treatments can provide results but the results are not sustainable. The skin can go back to its condition in no time, but with added side effects.
Most acne treatments contain exfoliating substances that make the skin dry and flakey. To keep the pores dry and oil-free they take away the natural hydration of the skin which damages the skin layer.
Over-the-Counter Treatment
Over-the-counter medicines are fast and provide effective results in a matter of a few days to weeks but they have several side effects. To treat comedones that are non-inflammatory your doctor may advise you to use a sulfur-containing acne cream or facial wash, it may also contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to clear the pores.
Long term use of these medications can cause dryness and this is why, if you use them regularly, do not forget to alternate with moisturization.
The bacteria caused acne can be treated effectively with anti-bacterial creams. Nodules are far below the skin’s top layer, creams and ointments act on the skin, which is why they are not effective.
Nodules are usually treated with oral medicines and chemical peels or other medicines that act on the bacteria from the inside. The cystic acne is the worst of all and requires proper treatment that can be harsh on the skin.
To clear the cysts, the doctor may recommend steroids or other medications such as oral retinoids, topical retinoids, antibiotics and even birth control pills for women. The direct treatment of cystic acne is aimed to decrease inflammation and pain.
Natural Treatments
The prime reason for acne is poor hygiene. To avoid clogging the pores and keep the skin free of bacteria, it is important to wash, cleanse and moisturize face regularly. For people who have acne, should avoid face creams and make-up that clog pores.
To avoid pesky pimples, a lot of people start using chemicals and O-T-C creams and facial washes but the result is extremely dry and irritated skin.
Natural remedies for treating pimples are numerous and some of them are naturally effective and scientifically proven ways to fight and eliminate acne.
These are the 4 natural remedies; you can try at home to get rid of acne.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is great for treating spots. It has a natural ability to fight bacteria and reduce inflammation. According to studies, Tea tree oil has been effective at treating acne as compared to benzoyl peroxide and placebo.
Tea tree oil has fewer side-effects and is naturally extracted from leaves of a tree that is native Australian. The tea tree can be harsh on the skin if applied directly, this is why it should always be diluted with water or another oil before applying to the spots.
To apply tea tree oil onto the skin, simply mix in a drop of tea tree oil in nine parts water to dilute it. You can also combine tea tree oil with another oil such as coconut oil in the same ratio. It can be stored for longer periods and will be easier to apply.
Essential Oils
Essential oils are very effective at treating acne. Tea tree oil is the best when it comes to spotting treatment, but some other essential oils fight acne-causing bacteria. Such essential oils include cinnamon, rose, lavender, lemongrass, rosemary, and clove.
Studies have found that essential oils can heal skin cells and can effectively reduce inflammation. They should always be diluted before applying to the skin. Nine parts of water with one-part essential oil is a good rule when diluting essential oils.
Green Tea
Green tea is one of the best antioxidant drink that detoxifies the body. It has incredible effects when consumed regularly. The flavonoids and tannins found in green tea fight inflammation and kill bacteria that cause acne.
The high-oxidants present in green tea can reduce bacterial cultures, improve skin health by reducing inflammation and decreasing sebum production.
There are a lot of skin products available in stores that contain green tea extracts. If you are not a fan of too many products, you can make your green tea treatment at home.
To treat your skin with green tea extracts, boil good quality green tea leaves in water for a few minutes. Use cotton swabs to put green tea on the face. You can dip swabs in tea and place them onto the skin, or you can put the tea in a spray bottle to make the process mess-free.
Spray green tea on your face once or twice a day to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Store the left-over tea in the refrigerator to use every day. Moisturize afterward and you will be surprised at how effectively it rejuvenates your skin.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is an amazing, natural moisturizer. The clear gel from the aloe vera plant leaves is scientifically proven to eliminate scars, heal wounds and fight inflammation and bacteria.
Aloe Vera has unique wound healing properties, which makes it an amazing natural gel that is used to treat burns, rashes, cuts, and redness. Aloe Vera has lupeol, salicylic acid, urea nitrogen, cinnamic acid, phenols and sulfur that kill germ and have soothing properties.
When combined with different remedies and healthy skincare, aloe vera can help treat acne. Aloe vera is safe to be applied directly onto the skin. Take an aloe vera leaf and cut it in the middle. Scrape out the gel and apply it directly onto the face. It can act as a moisturizer and can also be worn with other acne creams to avoid the skin from excessive drying out.
- Daniel Robbins